目二代问答篇 FAQ

Q: 目二代是眼药水吗?

Q: Is the BetterPETS an eye drops?

答: 不是眼药水。它是日本富士山天然冰川水,不含任何药物,添加剂和防腐剂。成分为“水”99.9%,微量元素组成。
A: Its Not, It is the natural glacier water of Mount Fuji in Japan, without any drugs, additives and preservatives. The composition is 99.9% "water" , composed of trace elements.

Q: 目二代只能给宠物(动物)用吗?

Q: Can the BetterPETS only be used for pets (animals)?

答: 人類也是动物,眼睛的构造都是一样的,很多中老年人都在使用。
A: Humans are also clarify an animals, both eye structure are the same. Many middle-aged and elderly people are using.

Q: 目二代除了眼睛以外可否有其它的用法呢?

Q: What other benefits besides for eyes?

答: 目二代也可以用在脸和皮肤,有美容作用。
A: BetterPETS can also be used on the face and skin, which has a very good cosmetic and beauty effect.

Q: 开始使用目二代时为什么有微刺痛的感觉呢?这样正常吗?

Q: Why did I feel a slight tingling when I started to use, Is this normal?

答: 这是一种修复反应效果,是正常的。眼睛是人体最多微细血管的器官,每天都在面对环境的污染,各种光害如紫外线和蓝光,眼压高,用眼过度,疲劳,等各种伤害。所以眼睛时刻都在自我修复中。目二代在这修复的过程中给帮了个大忙,所以会有些微痛,但使用后双目会特别舒适及光亮。
A: This is a repairing reaction effect and is normal. The eyes are the organ with the most tiny blood vessels in the human body. Every day, they are faced with environmental pollution, various light hazards such as ultraviolet and blue light, high intraocular pressure, overuse, fatigue, and other injuries. So the eyes are always repairing themselves. BetterPETS has helped a lot in the repair process, so it will be a little painful, but the eyes will be very comfortable and bright after used.

Q: 使用目二代时须要闭上双目吗?

Q: Do I need to close my eyes when using the BetterPETS ?

答: 建议闭上1~2分钟,因为闭上双目后才能良好的进行修复,代谢和清除污垢,等到微痛消失后才能达到最佳效果。
A: It is recommended to close the eyes for 1-2 minutes, because after closing your eyes, you can repair, metabolize and remove dirt, and the best results can be achieved after the slight pain disappears.

Q: 是不是每次使用都会有刺痛感呢?

Q: Is there a tingling sensation every time I use it?

答: 不是的,眼睛在健康強壮的情况下不会有刺痛感。特别是睡眠充足后起床使用,明显就能区别。
A: No, the eyes will not sting when they are healthy and strong. Especially when you woke up and use it after getting enough sleep and rest, you can obviously make a difference.

Q: 请问左眼及右眼的刺痛感觉不一样是什么原因呢?

Q: What is the reason for the different tingling sensations in the left eye and the right eye?

答: 因为是双眼受损的程度不一样,这很正常,平时我们双眼用眼的力度也会有不一样。
A: It is normal because the damages of both eyes is different. Usually, the strength and fatigue of both eyes will be different.

Q: 一般使用多久能看到效果?

Q: How long does it take to see the effect ?

答: 一天保持使用3次,一般20~30天左右就能看到效果了。
A: Apply 3 times a day, and you can see the result about 20 to 30 days.

Q: 请问眼睛没问题也可以使用吗?

Q: Can I use it even if I have no problem with my eyes?

答: 常言道,预防胜于治疗,没问题当保养保健,有问题当理疗护理。
A: As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, if there is no problem, it should be taken as maintenance and health care.

Q: 请问手术后可以使用用吗?

Q: Can I use it after surgery?

答: 任何手术后都会隐藏一些手术后遗症,建议手术后一个月当保养保健使用。
A: After any surgery, there will be some side effect of it. It is recommended to use it as a maintenance and health care one month after the surgery.

Q: 请问瓶子里有5个黑色晶片有什么作用?

Q: What is the function of several black chips in the bottle?

答: 这是目二代的刻心技术,是日本内矿石黑科技晶片,也是目前世界能释放出最髙数据的负氧离子晶片,能增加水分内100倍的含氧量,这对去除自由基非常有效。
A: This is the BetterPETS core technology. It is Japan technology energy chip. This energy chip able to generate and release highest volume of negative ion oxygen in the world. It can increase the oxygen content in the water by 100 times. It is very effective in preventing all types formation of free radicals.

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